WordPress 5.0 Version : What are the New Features Coming?

Last Updated: May 03, 2018
WordPress has now become the most powerful open source content management system in the industry covering 30% of the Internet. Those of you who don’t know what WordPress is, WordPress is an open source website creation tool. To function, WordPress has to be installed on a web server. It was started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day. Recently WordPress authority announced that they will release WordPress 5.0 very soon. Today on this blog, we will discuss about the WordPress 5.0 Version and what are the possible New Features coming with this version.

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Now, let’s proceed to our main discussion.

So, What’s coming new?

Most of the WordPress users have no idea about what’s coming next! We tried to find some points of what’s actually coming new and which things are coming revised with 5.0 update of WordPress.

1. Gutenberg editor and Plugin

The most possible exciting feature coming is the Gutenberg Editor. Gutenberg is an editor for WordPress which is named after Johannes Gutenberg, who is known for the invention of the movable-type printing press. It optimizes for direct manipulation of the visual presentation of the content. The current visual editor requires a lot of us to utilize shortcodes and HTML to make things work. The actual goal is to make this easier, especially for those just starting with WordPress. This is currently in its beta and testing phase, it’s not ready to run on production sites yet so there are a lot of lot of the bugs and issues. We have written a blog on Gutenberg. If you want to know what is Gutenberg and what should you learn about Gutenberg please read this!

2. Security update

security screenshot

Many of us are very much concern about our website security. Any security flaw can be proven very harmful for business. To prevent attacks on our website, WordPress has already introduced some security features. Such as recommending hosting websites with SSL Certificates, two-factor authentication and application passwords. The WordPress authority likely to continue improving its security in future releases.

3. Front-end editor

With Front-end editor, anyone can edit his/her post right on the page. The way it works just like you use the mobile phone and touch screen. Front-end editor has existed along with WordPress for a long time. Visual Composer is dominating front-end editor plugin is for years. On the market recently appeared new front-end editor plugin for WordPress too. In the comparison to Visual Composer, Front-end Editor for WordPress is lighter and faster. Maybe it’s inherited from Customizer framework. Lighter means fewer functions. But you should regard in mind that visual composer is visual composer and front-end editor is front-end editor!

4. Mobile optimization

Mobile optimization image

WordPress authority is trying to improve the mobile experience day by day for both users and developers. Decreasing the differences in website maintenance between desktop and mobile has become a routine for the company. Also, the majority of WordPress themes are now responsive.

5. Crop background image

Formerly we could change our background of our websites. But it’s a boring process. We have to crop it manually then re-upload to the library and select the image again.

Now we will have a chance to crop image before it goes live on website. This is a small action but definitely it will reduce significant time in the changing background image flow

So far, This is all we know about WordPress 5.0 features. We hope there will be a lot of more exciting features on the finale update. All we can say is WordPress is preparing for a really big evolution.

On this blog, we have tried to give you the best ideas about upcoming WordPress 5.0 update. If you have liked this blog, please feel free share it with your dearest ones 🙂 If you want regular news about WordPress, be sure to subscribe from the subscription option at the bottom of this website.

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